I started working when I was 18. I never thought of saving for a specific reason. I just saved. I spent my money soooo wisely to the point that I no longer think of buying what I want. In fact, I used a 4-year old phone (got a new one already on a cheaper price) and I rarely have new clothes and even to the point that I will store my money under my bed and cabinet (That's before I learned where to put money that can yield highest return). Ohh yes! I thought that's a wise thing to do. That's why people around me thought I'm a weird-stingy guy!!! (I can't blame them). Over the years, though my savings grew, I never had any other plans aside from saving. That's where my curiosity on "MAKING YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU" began. Some of the books I read were
"Rich Dad Poor Dad,
Til Debt Do Us Part and 8 secrets of Truly Rich by
Bo Sanchez. These books really enlightened me on the real world of money, how it can work for you and not against you, money mindsets and the spiritual side of it an soooo on. And so this curiosity led me to wrong decisions as well. But I guess that's really part of the journey. Now, I can say that I already grew when it comes to financial literacy and is still growing and learning. As what my mentor,
Tito Benj said "
Knowledge without action is Useless" .
Being Rich is not bad as opposed to what other religious people are saying. It's what you do with the money that makes it bad. As long as you have a good purpose then it's a good one. I believe that God doesn't want His people to be poor. He has given us the ability to create wealth.
"But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth..." Deuteronomy 8:18 . Planning, having right mindset and right Action will give you success. In the end, it's not about the money but It's who we become in the process. Have we become a good steward of what God had entrusted to us?
I'm currently 22 and I'm planning to retire in my 40's. By that time I no longer want to work for money because I have to but because I want to. To give to God more than what is expected. To provide well for my family and to live my life for God happily.
I'm still far from my goal. But as they say " Do it slowly but surely".
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